Post your complaints and stories about Freewallet scam on sitejabber

The owners of Freewallet org spend a lot of money on advertising. In particular, they massively post custom reviews and laudatory comments. One such site is If you look at all the reviews published there, you will notice many flattering comments in which the “client” praises the application.

And this is clearly not true. But there are also dozens of complaints from victims of the Freewallet scam on sitejabber. We contacted the resource administration with a request not to advertise the application. And our complaint was heard. Administrators have published a warning about the presence of custom reviews on Freewallet. We encourage you to leave your comments there too!

Post your complaint, tell about your complaints against Freewallet! Demand that this application not be advertised anywhere and under any circumstances!

Dont forget to add screenshots and provide all information you have. This will help us to stop Freewallet scammers!