Help warn users from your country!

Freewallet scammers steal assets from clients from different countries and continents. We encountered complaints and abuses from Americans, Indians, Russians, Thais, Romanians, and Dutch. Most of these reviews are written in English. But many clients do not know this language well. Therefore, it may be difficult for them to read the opinions of other customers.

Help us warn your compatriots! Translate the texts in which we talk about Freewallet scam into your language!

We are looking for volunteers to help us fight against Freewallet scammers!

We have launched a full-fledged international project called Stop Freewallet Fraud. His task is to jointly fight against fraudulent owners of the Freewallet service. We also want to help victims recover stolen assets. We need the help of volunteers who will translate our texts into different languages.
As of now, we have sites and materials in:

We are expanding our audience to warn as many users as possible.
Please contact us if you are willing to help translate our materials into other languages, especially French, Spanish, Hindi, Arabic, Vietnamese. The more clients from different countries unite, the sooner the creators of Freewallet will find themselves in the dock!

[email protected]

Thanks to everyone who helps fight against scammers!