Alvin Hagg: Wanted!

Alvin Hagg. Freewallet org co-founder and CEO. This person may be one of the leaders, who stole your assets! We need information about Alvin HAgg, including his connections, contacts, property. This information needs to be passed on to law enforcement to launch an international investigation.

[email protected]. Send any information you have to this email. We guarantee confidentiality and reward!

Alvin hagg, Freewallet co-founder claims that the project was founded in 2016 in Estonia. But the “leader” himself carefully hides personal data. In particular, we do not know in which country he is now. At the same time, law enforcement officers of one of the states have already become interested in the crimes of Freewallet. They are ready to help, but want to know more about the persons involved and their whereabouts.

Did Freewallet scammers steal your cryptocurrency? Have they blocked your wallet and won’t let you withdraw your coins? Help us to find them!

Contact us and provide all information you have. We will immediately resend it to Ministry of justice.